I want to share a concept with all of us that if we are not careful we will overlook in its importance. Most would look at Jesus’ coming as it is related in Isa.7:14, that the son born to the virgin would be named Immanuel, or, as we all know,
“God with us.” But as we will see here, it is more than that.
Jesus did not come “to visit” earth 2000 years ago! He was not a spectator on the human scene. He did not show us how to imitate him and thereby earn the right to be called Christians. Immanuel means so much more.
Understanding IMMANUEL unlocks the greatest secret or mystery man has ever been blessed with. Immanuel does mean God is with us. But, it also means that man is WITH God—and this is 24/7/365.
Jesus says it this way in John 14:20. “On that day,( or we would say, one day, or sooner or later, ) you WILL realize that I am IN my Father, and you are IN me, and I am IN you.” Immanuel. God LIVES in us and we live in Him. We live, move and have our being in HIM. (17:28) And when you realize this truth of all truths, you will know the greatest secret that has not been understood by the natural mind of man since Adam. No philosophy will know it, or come to see it, or hypothesize it, or stumble across it. It is a spiritual revelation.
The apostle Paul says it this way in Colossians chapter one: Immanuel reconciles us to God. He places His life in us and takes our life INTO Himself. Connection. Unification. Uniting of man and God. Jesus is the bridge between earth and
heaven. Paul then says in Col.1:26-27, “The MYSTERY that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints, to them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this MYSTERY
( secret), which is Christ IN you the hope of glory.”
Immanuel, the Secret and all that it entails is by God’s doing. It is an ACT OF GOD! It does not need or require our vote or approval. It is God’s declaration that He has come to be IN man and man IN Him. Immanuel therefore takes all of humanity into Himself and then what happens to Jesus also happens to all of humanity.
Jesus dies, humanity dies. Jesus is resurrected, humanity is resurrected. Jesus ascends to the right hand of the Father, humanity ascends to the right hand of the Father as well. “I am in the Father, you are in Me and I am in you.” See that?
Being the elitist creatures that we are, we would look at this truth and apply it conditionally to those who consider themselves Christian. We would say that this is a possibility for any to accept and therefore experience and dwell in once they “came to Christ”.
But the truth of IMMANUEL is more profound than this. The truth of IMMANUEL is that God has come into human existence to be IN man and for man to be IN God. This was made possible only by Jesus coming and fulfilling the reality. Jesus bridges the gap, the gulf between God and humanity. He is the connection. The unifying factor.
He is the WAY that this happens.
The truth of Immanuel does not only apply to those considering themselves Christian, but this truth applies to ALL humans on earth. Let’s notice a few scriptures which illustrate this.
The Apostle Paul, in talking to the pagan religious leaders in Athens, says in Acts 17:28 that they, the pagans, live and move and have being IN God. So Paul is obviously NOT talking to Christians here, but to ALL men. Creation exists IN Jesus Christ. He created it for Himself, and in Him all things hold together and are sustained by Him. (Colossians 1:15-17). Colossians 3:4 tells us that Jesus IS our LIFE. ALL peoples’ life.
Without getting to deeply into Theological arguments at this point, let me just say that in truth Immanuel has existed since the creation of Adam! God has always been IN man and man has always been IN God through the connection of the Holy Spirit. The Fact of it is revealed to man through the INCARNATION of Jesus.
IMMANUEL then becomes the Truth of Truths. Immanuel is Jesus. Immanuel is the secret, the Mystery of the Ages as Paul says in Colossians 1:26-27.
Ephesians 1:3-14, is especially revealing since man’s Adoption into the life of God took place BEFORE the creation of the world. It has been fact and reality all along the human path of existence. God is EVER PRESENT in the life and existence
of His creation. He is the I AM. The Eternal.
Immanuel is the truth for all men. God has come to be IN man and takes man INTO Himself. Not just Christians, but all men. He is the Father of ALL. Jesus is the Savior of ALL.
It is nice to reflect on Advent and the birth of Immanuel for four weeks before Christmas every year. But the truth of Immanuel is 24/7/365. God is indeed with us and in us perpetually, and we are in Him as Jesus proclaimed in John 14:20, “ I am in the Father, you are in me, and I am in you.”
Immanuel is Revealed. Immanuel is the Secret for ALL. Will you believe it?
~ Paul Kurts
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