When I became a believer, from that time on, I wanted to DO something FOR God. I wanted to SERVE Him.
How many times have people been told to come to Jesus just as they are only to do that and then, shortly thereafter, been led to feel the pressures of getting involved in every program going....Bible Studies, Home Group, Prayer Meetings, Nursery, Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Outreach, and the list goes on.
When I first came to the Lord, I got caught up in it all. I was involved in ALL aspects of ministry, as well as being a part of the Leadership in several churches. I have found that over the years it has robbed me of my life, and a normal family life, because the church always came first....ministry was always at the top of the list. Finally the Lord brought me to a place of burn-out. I didn't really want to do anything anymore. The funny thing is, at the last church I attended I wasn't as involved, by my choosing, yet inside I felt judged because of not wanting to do any of the regular church stuff anymore. I am by no means saying that I "was" judged, but that I "felt" judged (My own insecurity). This is what can happen when it's all you've ever known from the time you step through the doors of a church building.
Well, I didn't want to be involved in all the stuff anymore. I just wanted to live my life with my family, yet even that was difficult. I truly needed to understand "freedom" and how to just "BE", and know that it was ok.
It was the Lord who led me out of the institutional church to learn this valuable lesson. I am not saying that this is for everyone, nor am I saying that the Lord works in the same way with everyone, but this is how He choose to move in my life.
In the past, I desperately wanted to be used by God. I was taught and believed that there was a price to pay in serving God. I didn't know Father just wanted sons and daughters to love on. He was never looking for servants...ever! He, Himself came to serve. We are the recipients of His giving.
I read in John 6, where the Lord's followers asked Him, "What shall we do to work the works of God?" Right there, Jesus could have laid it all out, but He didn't. Instead, He answered clearly and directly, "This is the WORK of God, that you BELIEVE in Him whom He has sent." (John 6:29)
Could it really be that simple? Just 'believe?' This IS so simple that it's mind-boggling. Surely, we MUST DO something? NOPE.....ONLY BELIEVE!
What possible price could there be to pay other than to just simply believe? After all, Jesus paid it all. He's the one who said, "It is finished." So the reality is that, the church of Jesus Christ needs to learn how to "Rest" in, and to live out of His finished work.
Today, I am learning to just live my life daily, resting and trusting Him only, to lead my path. Most times He allows my days to just come and go loving Him, but on occasion will open up situations or opportunities that I absolutely know is His hand, and I just simply walk in what He puts before me.
The most amazing situation to date is that of being a part of something the Lord allowed to take place right here on Facebook, that saved the life of a wonderful friend which I have not yet met, but one day I will have the joy of meeting both he and his beautiful wife.
Isaiah 26:12 says it so simply....that God has "performed" for us ALL our works."
God arranges the circumstances of our lives, and when they occur we just simply walk in it.
Also Ephesians 2:10, "We are HIS WORKMANSHIP, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which GOD PREPARED in advance, beforehand so that we would walk IN THEM (His plans...not ours)."
So, it is nothing that we strategize or plan. We just live out and follow our destiny. No striving, just simply resting in Him.
This is a difficult lesson for those who only understand the institutional works of programs and outreach. Learning to simply live and trust His leading may seem hard at first, since it is something that many of us have never done, yet when we start to grasp this, life becomes so much more enjoyable.
Our God (Father - Son - Spirit), has the blueprint for each of our lives, and He will reveal everything at the appointed time in which He chooses for us to walk it out. We just simply REST and TRUST.......so simple!
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