I just want to welcome you to my blog, and I hope that it will be a source of encouragement to you, and that it will lead you into a deeper relationship with God.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


He (God) is the Alpha and Omega...the beginning and the end.  One God person who is the beginning and the end.  He is the All in All.  The Bible tells us that we live and move and have our being in Him.  Whether good or evil....all is "IN" Him.  He is the sovereign God, and whether we go through difficult times or good times, He is in it working everything for our good.  Everything has it's existence in God....Everything!   Even unbelievers have their existence in God.  Nothing is outside of Him.  If it were, then it would cease to exist.  He is All in All.
So, even though ALL are IN God, not everyone accepts or believes this Good News.  All do not believe that He chose us in Him before the foundations of the world.  Many choose to live by their self will, rather than by His will, and as a result, the veil remains over their eyes and they are unable to see the truth.  They love the darkness more than the light.  The abundance of God's life is hidden from them, until such time that they are willing to surrender their will to His.
The good news is, that even in their refusal to accept Him and all that He offers, He is still at work....working all things after the counsel of His will...Eph.1:11.
A mind-boggling concept, to realize that God is greater than our self-will.  He never gives up on us and is waiting with open arms for the day to come, for each to choose to come to Him.
God is opening up the revelation to man that, He is All in All.  Everything is inclusive in Him.  Even science is seeing this truth unfold through the science of quantum physics. 
In everything, He is working out His purposes, whether through evil events or good.  God has a plan and that plan will be completed!
Matthew 6:22  "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."
What does it mean to have a "single" eye?  It means understanding God's sovereignty and seeing only God in everything....good or evil...working out His plan for our good.  I am not saying God brings evil, but that He works in it His purpose for our good.
When we see double-eyed...we see God's power versus Satan's power....when in reality, there is only ONE power.  Satan is not on equal par with God.  He is a pawn in the story of life.  When we allow Satan's schemes to overwhelm us, and we take our eyes of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, then we are double-eyed and do not see God as Sovereign.   When we lose our focus and take our eyes of God, then everything can seem chaotic and distressing.  The only way to really defeat Satan is to stop allowing his works in our lives to become our focus, but to look to Jesus and His purpose in it all.  Then we will see victory and growth.  Paul said, "Give NO PLACE to the devil."  Do not see him in the situation, but see God, and watch the hand of God move on your behalf.
In Christ there is NO darkness....and we are IN Him.  Darkness cannot overcome the light, but light will always overcome darkness.  Our focus needs to change.  We are the LIGHT of the world.  As He is, so are we in this world.  So, in Christ, we are always victorious and always more than conquerors. That's how we need to see ourselves.  That is our mirror image!  We see ourselves as He sees us.
In Christ we have become ONE with the triune God.  It is no longer independent "I", but it is now He who lives His live as me.
As believers, we do not look "TO" Him, but we see with His sight.
Becoming one with Him means there is no longer a distinction.  Our image is His image.  When we see ourselves, we see Him.  We are one and can no longer be separated.   Like a glass of hot water that dissolves a teaspoon of salt.......the two can never be separated once they become joined....the have become one new substance.
1Cr 6:17 "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit."
So guess what?  Just as Jesus, when asked who He was stated, "I AM"......so we also can say, "I AM."   As He is, so are we in this world.    This is good news!  Just as all power in heaven and earth was given to Jesus, so it is given to us.  Everything He has, we have.
The very life of Christ lives in us...through us....AS US! 

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