I just want to welcome you to my blog, and I hope that it will be a source of encouragement to you, and that it will lead you into a deeper relationship with God.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It is so important to have this truth (IT IS FINISHED) established in our Spirits before moving on.  We have continued so long living in the circumstance, and so few of us have actually had our minds renewed to the truth of God's word. We can quote Scripture, but how much of it has really taken root in our hearts to the point where we don't just quote it, but we LIVE IT!  It becomes a natural way of life....not having to think about it....just doing it.

When you are trained on a new job, it may take time for you to learn all the ropes, but once you do, then you just flow in the routine of that job. Most times you don't have to think about what needs to be done because you already know. It has become such a part of you that you just do the job without even thinking about the process anymore. It's like it becomes a mechanical thing that you just do....becoming a part of who you are. Yes, there are times when you may have to stop and think, or receive some wise counsel, but on the most part, you just do what has become natural for you to do. So it is in the things of God.
When we understand what these words, "It is Finished" actually mean, then we will flow naturally in who we are and what the natural course of our life is.  But to flow naturally, we must first be trained.  Learn the ropes.....read the manuel, believing what it actually says, and knowing that when we follow the directions and teachings given, then it WILL WORK in our lives and become so natural for us in the everyday flow of who we are.  It takes learning, practicing, and simply just doing, to see results.  All of this begins with a renewing of the mind. (Romans 12:1-2)

What do you think this term, "It is Finished" means?  We know what happened in the garden, and we know it's results.....sin fell on the entire human race.  How could we ever free ourselves of this dilema?  We cannot live sinless lives.  If Adam and Eve fell, who were created perfectly without sin, what chance did we have being born INTO sin.  It is the core of our nature even from birth.  Man could never take care of the sin issue....even in trying to obey the law.  Do you know anyone who has ever been able to keep the ten commandments?   I don't.  But under the law, there were around 613 laws that were required of the Jewish people.  I couldn't even remember them, let alone try to keep them.  But Jesus did.  He fulfilled the entire requirement of the law and in His last dying breath said, "IT IS FINISHED!"

This term, "finished" is used many times in Scripture, but when used from the position of Jesus on the cross, it's meaning is totally different.   Where most may refer to something being done or completed....and this is true, but when it is used here, the definition is in accounting terms......like a stamp on a contract that says, PAID IN FULL!

The old contract of "LAW" under Moses has been paid in full!  The stamp or seal on that contract to show it's completion is the Blood of Jesus!   We are now entering a much better covenant or contract, based on better promises. (Heb.8:6)--(But that is for another blog....hahaha!)

When I first started to see this wonderful truth, I began a spiritual detox of everything I had learned in the past. It was like I was a brand new babe starting all over in the things of the Lord.  Although I was sad because of all the false information that I had lived in for so long, I was also elated that the veil had been removed and I was now seeing through the eyes of Christ.  My understanding was opened and the freshness of His love and grace flooded my being.

So, as a babe, I started where babies start.....drinking milk. I read, listened and learned from as many avenues of grace and the finished work that I could find.  I was feeding daily, and drinking in such amazing things that I had previously not known, or things that had not taken root in my spirit.  There is much we may hear and consent to externally, but to receive "revelation" is a totally different thing.  It is "revelation" that takes root as you move in it. It is revelation that will cause real growth and understanding, making you strong in Him, where you can see yourself as He sees you.

So, now that we know it is first necessary to be established in the fact that "IT IS FINISHED," we can now move on to begin the growing process.  In my next writing, we will look at the babes in Christ.  How do you know if you are still a babe in Christ?  A person can be a believer for many, many years and still be a babe in Christ.  Stay tuned in for more as we continue in the walk of grace.

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